DevRel Life The Delight of Development ✨ I love software development. You might agree if you also work in the software industry. Have you ever thought about why, though? In this article I explore what has drawn me towards development throughout my career, and kept me engaged all these this time.
Thought Leadership How I write: Start with a Series of Sincere Sentences An introduction to my preferred writing technique. It has helped me write blog posts, technical documentation, conference talks, and everything in between.
DevRel Life A Day in the Life (of a Developer Avocado 🥑) A day in my life as a developer relations person, cca early 2019.
DevRel Life Featured Developer Relations is Developer Enablement Developer relations is many things to many people and organisations. There are many styles for how to practice. Yet, at its core, it's all about enabling developers.
DevRel Life My DevRel Year Zero This blogpost was originally published on my DevRel Medium blog. Back in November 2017 I moved from full time software engineering work and started working as a developer evangelist. As this was just about a year ago, I decided to write this post as a retrospective of sorts on how
DevRel Life Featured The art of the (conference talk) proposal My process for writing proposals to speak at conferences. It can be more systematic than you might think.
DevRel Life (2017) - A year of talks, conferencing, and meeting up A writeup of my year 2017, when I took my public speaking and writing to the next level. I also moved from being primarily a developer to being a developer evangelist, getting my formal start in developer relations. I learned a ton, and set some goals.
DevRel Life DevRelCon 2017 Writeup This was originally published on my DevRel Medium blog. On Wednesday 6 December I attended the annual DevRelCon London — a conference for people working in developer relations, developer experience, and related fields. I met lots of people, gained tons of insight, and over all had a great day. I also